
Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

Complaint Letter

The Manager
Loundang street 25 B
                                                                                                                                    10th Juni 2015

Dear Sirs,
We regret to have to cormplain about late delivery of the filing cabinets ordered on 2nd Juni 2015 We did not receive them until this morning though you had guaranteed delivery within a week. It was on this undirstanding that we placed the other. Unfortunately, there have been similar delays on several previous occasions and their increasing frequency in recent months compels us to say that business between us cannot be continued inconditions such as these.

We have felt it is necessary to make our feelings khown. Since we cannot give reliable delivery dates to our customers unless we count on undertaking given by our suppliers We hope you will understand how we are placed that from now on we can
rely upon punctual completion of our orders.

Yours faithfully,

Desi Wajarningtias

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